If you can't find 4 minutes a day to invest in yourself, it's time to re-evaluate your life. And if you think 4 minutes "won't make a difference", try it anyway. I dare you ;)
Here's the deal... perform each of the following exercises (pictured above) consecutively, giving 100% effort and doing as many repetitions as you can in 20 seconds while maintaining proper form. Rest 10 seconds and continue on to the next exercise. Run through the sequence once more for a total of 8 exercises in 4 minutes.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Push-ups
3. Plyo squats
4. Mountain climbers
Do this every day - while you wait for your coffee to brew, during a commercial break, just before you jump in the shower - and start seeing results! Find a way to make it part of your routine. 4 minutes, 4 exercises, no excuses.
P.S. Watch for a new 4-minute workout next week!
Here's the deal... perform each of the following exercises (pictured above) consecutively, giving 100% effort and doing as many repetitions as you can in 20 seconds while maintaining proper form. Rest 10 seconds and continue on to the next exercise. Run through the sequence once more for a total of 8 exercises in 4 minutes.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Push-ups
3. Plyo squats
4. Mountain climbers
Do this every day - while you wait for your coffee to brew, during a commercial break, just before you jump in the shower - and start seeing results! Find a way to make it part of your routine. 4 minutes, 4 exercises, no excuses.
P.S. Watch for a new 4-minute workout next week!